
Showing posts from January, 2019

Computer Notes 2

What is Memory :-  Memory can refer to any medium of data storage, it is usually refer to RAM.                             Memory can be two type as follow:-                                                          Primary Memory Secondary Memory   Primary memory is also known as main/temporary/volatile memory. This kind of memory is available in form of silicon chips , and are assembled in the main board. Secondary Memory is permanent storage memory .it is non volatile in nature. Secondary memory is required because RAM is volatile in nature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Primary Memory RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read Only Memory) 1. SRAM (Static RAM)      Eg:- Cache Memory  2. DRAM (Dynamic RAM).  RAM can be measured in two parameters Storage Capacity and Transfer Speed Eg:- RAM in PC. It has  PROM (Programmable ROM) EPROM(Erase able PROM) EEPROM (Electrical EPROM)