Intel Core i3
Intel Core i3 microprocessor family Core i3 line of entry-level Core-branded microprocessors was introduced on January 7, 2010 at Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Performance and price-wise these are middle-class CPUs, positioned between more expensive and more powerful Core i5 and Core i7 microprocessors, and budget Pentium and Celeron processor families. Based on Westmere (enhanced Nehalem) micro-architecture, Core i3 CPUs integrate dual-channel DDR3 memory controller, separate DMI interface to peripheral devices, HD-capable graphics controller, and incorporate all basic and some advanced micro-architecture features, such as per-core 256 KB level 2 cache, large level 3 cache shared between two cores, SSE4 instructions, and support for Virtualization and HyperThreading technologies. As common with entry-level and budget families, Core i3 line doesn't include advanced features, or have some of its features crippled: Currently (February 2010), the ...